Son of police


When i was a small kid many people would ask me mockingly “Ammer polica?” (is your father police?) surprisingly my answer would be yes .For sometime they will be dumbstruck ,unable to think something else to scare me off. Yes i am the son of a  police who works day and night for the welfare of the society.
  I wanted to write this post for a very long time to tell my fellow mortal beings what is it to be like to be son of a police and remove the stigma from your brain about a police. There are many advantages of being the son of police. First ,when you are small no one can scare you telling that uncle is police and he will put you in jail. Abhe chalo yar even police are humans don’t scare the shit out of the child and put him in a wrong notion of police.The other big advantage is that he will never scold or beat you (BEWARE:mom will get more excuses to beat you up 😛 ).Maybe he would spend less time while you grow up but there is always a little time while he plays with you instead of resting for the night duty which proves his love and these moments you will cherish forever in your life.
  The best thing is he would be always positive in his every single words he says. He is the only person who can give courage to you and tell stories of his bravery as he experienced while solving crimes.In our village if people come to know that you are the son of police you get respected automatically.

  But still there are some bad times for you. At high school when i tell proudly to some of my friends they would ask me how much extra does he earn by corruption. These things pisses me off. It has become an alarming issue about having  such notions in common people . People are too idiots to believe anything. What if some crime happens at your home or to your family wouldn’t police come to help you ,wouldn’t they work day and night to solve it .Would you give money to them to solve the case early,well maybe yes.Then who is to blame ,who is more corrupt? is everyone corrupted ? but will we ever blame our self? is it corruption if a shop vendor of our village gives my father things for free for his service to the society?

  At the end i think being a son of police i feel proud of him. Helping some strangers who thinks bad about them. Its weird to think that he  is busy in his job for these people instead of spending time with the family .It is only the notion of the people about other people should change .Then there is really a chance of change.


PS: Aap ne Dabangg film dekh he , if not dont watch it :p

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