40 ways to Boost your Blog Traffic

After you started your blog and start publishing your blog posts, you need to get readers to your blog to read it or discuss it and share your content. Usually when anyone starts blogging they don’t get even 20 page views for their blog. Due to this, they feel demotivated to post any more content and eventually quit blogging.

Traffic plays a major role in earning from your blog. If on right track you can gain more traffic by just making small changes in your blog and by implementing many marketing strategies to your blog.

My main intention of this article is to make your blog gain more organic traffic and through this eventually, you will gain good audience or followers and earn money from your blog.

There are several ways to increase blog traffic, I will try to make this comprehensive and try to point out what methods pro bloggers use.

  1. Create social media account for your blog – Sharing your blog posts on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google + etc to get more page views. Most the traffic comes from other websites, having good social media following is always good, as people will share your post on their timeline and you will get more readers overall. Blogs like Mashable has gigantic social media following gaining thousands of share on Facebook and retweets on twitter.Use share buttons using Shareaholic to your website to make readers share the article on their time lines.Also, don’t forget to share your articles multiple times on social media platforms as it increases your traffic dramatically.

  2. Guest blogging – The best way to gain more followers is to get traffic from-coll boating with other notable bloggers. Writing guest posts for other blogs can increase the visibility of your own site significantly. You can showcase your expertise to an interested audience. It can also give your blog a back link from another great site, providing an SEO boost. Try to write a quality post in a very popular blog which has thousands of views also let other guest bloggers to your site for more content creation and extra traffic from the guest bloggers audience.
  3. Publish more articles – If you want more traffic, try writing more articles a week, instead of 1 article a week switch to 2 or 3 articles a week. Pro bloggers like Neil Patel has tested this out and showed the promising result as they increased the traffic by 30-40%. If your blog is new, it is a good opportunity to experiment new content on your blog.

  4. Use good post headline – People want to read your article based on your heading, your heading must be compelling and make to readers to be more curious. Use tools like headline analyzer to know about how good your blog title is. Use keywords like How-to, Top 10 etc to make the article look more ‘viral’.
  5. Write long articles – Instead of writing short articles less than 1000 words try to put more effort in writing a quality post of 3000+ words. Studies have shown that writing an extensive research blog post will get more shares and people will be more willing to trust you based on the amount work you have put up for your blog post.

  6. Link articles – It is also advised to link all related articles to your blog as it makes your blog interrelated and makes users to stay on your website for long .Also, you can include source links and link other bloggers articles and let them know they have been included in the article and in return get a share from them.
  7. Optimize blog for search engine – Visibility of your blog on google is important, do some keyword research for your blog. Use keywords extensively in your blog posts so that google crawls through your blog. Google search is also major traffic source leading users to your blog. Ranking high on certain keywords can make your article on front page of the google search.
  8. Use Images and media – People are more likely to look at your image that your posts (it sucks right), still you can use good images and generate some quality infographics and then sharing it on Pinterest for more followers to your blog. Stealing from pros is good sometimes.
  9. Create email subscription program – Having email list is very important as it will help you serve dedicated followers and serve them through email. You can also provide exclusive service to email subscribers as a thank you. You can sell freebie to get more email subscribers, like by giving a free ebook about some exclusive topic.

  10. Use web forums to publicise blog and connect with audience – You can look into websites like Quora and build a dedicated audience from the website. The website is highly recommended
  11. Reddit – The front page of the internet, having good karma and reputation in Reddit can get you ton load of page view and you can ask for criticism and have a good discussion on topics that you are interested.
  12. Use social bookmarking websites – Websites like Buffer , stumble upon, Digg , delicious are some of the best social bookmarking websites available these websites are very useful.
  13. Automate sharing – IFTTT is one of the best websites to automate sharing, it will help you to share your articles once you published it on several different social media, forums, social book marking websites etc.
  14. Comment on other blogs – This can help to get a guest blog and also appreciate contents that are helpful
  15. Produce viral content – Believe me, everyone wants to create viral content, but most people fail to. The best way to get loads of traffic is by writing list article that people are willing to read and share by themselves.
  16. Write about influencers in your niche – Try to write about them and who knows you might get a share from them or even an opportunity to collaborate.
  17. Interview fellow bloggers about their blogging journey or discuss about specific topics.
  18. Create podcast – People like Pat Flynn has created success podcasts and collaborated with many bloggers in the years. His blog passive income is very successful and earns six figure revenue a month.
  19. Redesign your website – Make your blog look good and less clutter , reorganize any features if necessary.
  20. Keep a popular post list _ this is very helpful in making new readers  to read your popular contents.
  21. Invest in your blog – After earning some money don’t forget to reinvest to your blog, to create new features or create fun events through the blog.
  22. Create webinar or workshops – If you are an influencer and want to reach out more blogger its advised to hold webinar or workshops and meet people who are willing to learn and hear you.
  23. Write controversial topics – Writing controversial posts, or attacking sacred cows in your niche, can be very powerful for generating traffic and boosting your exposure; this article on Shopify showed how publishing a controversial post can help skyrocket a blogger’s fame and traffic.
  24. Convert Your Blog Posts into PDFs and Submit to PDF/Document Sharing Sites: Convert your blog posts into a PDF and submit it to PDF sharing sites; make sure that the final PDF file includes your bio and a link to your site so that people know how to find your blog after they finish reading the PDF
  25. Advertise with money – spend money for blog publicity, spend money on  AdWords, Facebook advertising etc. This will help boost your blog and reach out more niche reader.
  26. Make blog archive.
  27. Make your blog mobile friendly and optimised -Most of the users nowadays are from mobile or smartphones, Google rewards more for mobile friendly websites
  28. Linkedin groups – Find niche groups on LinkedIn and try to collaborate with other professional bloggers.
  29. Facebook groups – There are many facebook groups that help promote the blog , it’s very good for beginners to promote their blog. If you  are an influencer it’s better to start your own facebook group so that you can avoid spammy comment section.
  30. Join Communities where Bloggers Support Each Other (or Communities Where Bloggers Exchange Shares): There are secret bloggers club and websites that foster a community where members promote themselves; in short, every community member promotes each other’s content and benefit from the support of a massive community. Two good examples are JustRetweet and Triberr.
  31. Publish an Ultimate Link/List Roundup: Compile and publish an ultimate list of resources/articles on a particular topic; include as many relevant resources as possible and email all the bloggers you featured on your list and ask them to share your article.

  1. Create Your Own Website Plugins: Similar to having your own theme, create your own plugins and give people that use it an option to link back to your blog.
  2. Leverage User Generated Content: Forums, comments and other types of user-generated content can be big wins for your blog; Mizzou Alumni Association was able to boost their site traffic by 15% while Chobani experienced a 225.9% increase in revenue by leveraging the power of User Generated Content.
  3. Link to A Lot of Authoritative Sources: Google uses a lot of factors to rank websites, including how many links point to a website, but very few people know that Google also ranks you based on how many people you link to.
  4. Start Paying People to Write for You: There are websites that regularly publish lists of sites that pay writers, and these lists occasionally get tens of thousands of views and hundreds of links thus making them highly authoritative. By offering to pay people to write articles on your blog, and emailing the publishers of these lists to include your website, you’ll be getting an instant boost in traffic and an authoritative backlink.
  5. Listen to Your Readers: Sometimes, you’ll notice that certain articles on your blog will become big hits while some will barely get read by anybody; oftentimes, the reason for this has to do with demand for the topic an article covers. If an article is in high demand, it’ll do a great job of promoting itself and traffic will only keep increasing; if an article has low demand, the promotion you do will yield minimal results.
  6. Analyze Your Blog Traffic: The key to blogging success lies in identifying what’s working and doing more of it; once your blog starts to gain traction and get some readership, start paying special attention to your blog traffic to see what kind of content is getting the most views. If you notice a trend with a certain type of content, do more of that type of content and you can be assured of increased traffic.

  7. Master the Best Time to Post: Research shows that the success of a viral campaign can be influenced by the time that campaign is started as well; a study by BuzzSumo that analyzed over 100 million articles came to the conclusion that the best day to publish an article is on a Tuesday, and that articles published on a Tuesday generally get up to 3X more views than articles published on Sundays.
  8. Submit Your Blog to Blog/Website Directories: While not as effective as they used to be, blog and website directories can still be a good source of traffic. Being listed in some blog and website directories can also boost traffic to your blog. Here’s a list of free website directories you can submit your blog too.
  9. Create an App for Your Blog: Create an app for your blog and submit it to Google store and Apple store; regularly invite your readers to download your app and feature it on relevant app sites. If more people download your app, Google will start showcasing it to more of their readers and this will boost your traffic.

Thank you for reading!

from Blogger http://ift.tt/2y4ZWEL

How to make money from your blog

Once you have setup your blog and started blogging the next method is to earn money through your blog.

I have already written an article explaining how to start a blog and why you blog.If still haven’t read it please give it a read here.

In this article, i will try to discuss various options through which you can start earning through your blog. Most of the methods are tested and used by most of the methods are used by many pro bloggers and when you become good at blogging you can start making a living with revenue from the blog.

First thing first if you want to make good money blogging you have to create good content and be consistent to make the audience come back to you.

Also, as you gain more traffic and trusted audience its advised to use multiple income streams from your blog.

I will try to keep this article as brief as possible.

Ways to earn from your blog:

  • Advertising Income – Monetizing with CPC or CPM Ads on your website. Most of the bloggers put ads on the website to monetize their blog and it is very good source of income. As your traffic and brand grows, you’ll find advertisers will be willing to pay to get exposure to your audience. There are several ad networks you can look into like AdSense(owned by Google) which is very trusted among the bunch of others networks. Other trusted networks are infolinks, Chitika, Media.net etc

  • Affiliate programs – When your blog is trusted by many audiences you can choose affiliate programs. If used properly you can earn more through this method than advertising. In this method you refer other products through your blog, you earn the part of income when people buy products through your link. Some good affiliate programs are Amazon Associates and many other affiliate programs.

  • Sell your products – When you have your own products like e-books, online courses, workshops, Video contents or any other online products( App, plugin, APIs ). A blog can be one of the best platforms to market and sell your products as you have your niche followers.

  • Private advertising – Other advertisers may want you to advertise their brand on your blog. This can be done in the form of paid review, banner ads etc

  • Services – A common way that many bloggers make money is through offering services to their readers. These might be anything from coaching and consulting, to writing or copywriting, to design, training or other freelance services.

  • Freelancing – You get paid to write on several other websites or blogs based on your influence. It is also a great opportunity to grow your blog and gain new audience through your collaborations.

It is always better to use multiple methods for monetizing your blog. Also, try experimenting with them. On the other hand ad placement on the blog is important don’t put up more than 4 ads on given page, it will ruin user experience.

Needless to say to more traffic you get for your blog more you will earn. So always try to create contents that attract more traffic to your blog. As always content is the king.

from Blogger http://ift.tt/2whUGkK

How to Fix Windows and Linux Showing Different Times When Dual Booting

Your computer stores the time in a hardware clock on its motherboard. The clock keeps track of time, even when the computer is off. By default, Windows assumes the time is stored in local time, while Linux assumes the time is stored in UTC time and applies an offset. This leads to one of your operating systems showing the wrong time in a dual boot situation.
To fix this, you have two options: Make Linux use local time, or make Windows use UTC time. Don’t follow both steps of instructions or they still won’t be speaking the same language! We recommend you make Linux use local time, if possible.

Option One: Make Linux Use Local Time

Making Linux use local time the same way Windows does is probably the best option. Windows does have a registry setting that forces it to store the time as UTC, but it reportedly isn’t well supported and can cause problems with some third-party applications that always assume the hardware clock is in local time. It’s also incompatible with Windows’ own Internet time-syncing service.
The steps to make your Linux system use local time can vary from Linux distribution to Linux distribution. However, on any Linux distribution with systemd, you can use the timedatectl command to make this change. This will work on modern versions of Ubuntu, Fedora, Red Hat, Debian, Mint, and other Linux distributions that use systemd.
To make this change, first open a Terminal window on your Linux system. Run the following command to put the real time clock on the motherboard into local time. Linux will store the time in local time, just like Windows does.
timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 --adjust-system-clock
To check your current settings, run:
If you see “RTC in local TZ: yes”, Linux is set to use the local time zone instead of UTC. The command warns you that this mode is not fully supported and can cause some problems when changing between time zones and with daylight savings time. However, this mode is probably better supported than the UTC option in Windows. If you dual-boot with Windows, Windows will handle daylight savings time for you.
If you ever want to undo this change, run the following command:
timedatectl set-local-rtc 0 --adjust-system-clock

Option Two: Make Windows Use UTC Time

Making Windows use UTC time like Linux is probably not the best option. You can edit the registry to make Windows use UTC time, but this could potentially cause more problems than just making Linux use local time.
If you do want to do this, you’ll first want to disable the Internet time updating feature on Windows. This ensures Windows won’t set the clock incorrectly when trying to sync the current time from the Internet. On Windows 10, head to Settings > Time & language and disable “Set time automatically”. On Windows 7, right-click the system clock in the taskbar and select “Adjust date/time”. Click the “Internet Time” tab, click the “Change Settings” button, uncheck the “Synchronize with an Internet time server” option, and click “OK”.

Make Windows Use UTC Time By Editing the Registry

First, open the Registry Editor by clicking Start, typing “regedit”, and pressing Enter. Agree to the security prompt that appears.You will now need to add the appropriate value to the Windows registry. Here’s our standard warning: The Registry Editor is a powerful tool and misusing it can render your system unstable or even inoperable. This is a pretty easy hack and you shouldn’t have any problems as long as you follow the instructions. That said, if you’ve never worked with it before, consider reading about how to use the Registry Editor before you get started. And definitely back up the Registry (and your computer!) before making changes.
Navigate to the following key in the left pane of the registry editor:
On the latest versions of Windows 10, you can copy and paste the above line into the address box. However, this hack will work on Windows 7 as well.
Right-click the “TimeZoneInformation” key and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
Name your new value RealTimeIsUniversal.
Double-click the RealTimeIsUniversal value you just created, set is value data to 1, and click “OK”.
You’re now done, and you can close the Registry Editor. Windows will store the time in UTC, just like Linux does.
If you ever want to undo this change, return to this location in the registry, right-click the RealTimeIsUniversal value you added, and delete it from your registry.

Download Our One-Click Registry Hack

If you don’t want to edit the registry yourself, you can use our downloadable registry hack. We created one hack that makes Windows use UTC time, and one that restores it to local time. Both are included in the following ZIP file. Just download the file, double-click the hack you want to use, and agree to add the information to your registry.
The above hacks do the same thing we described above. The Make Windows Use UTC Time hack creates the “RealTimeIsUniversal” entry with a value of “1”, while the Make Windows Use Local Time hack deletes the “RealTimeIsUniversal” entry.
If you ever want to see what this or any other .reg file does, right-click it and select “Edit” to view the file in Notepad. You can easily make your own registry hacks, which just consist of a list of registry entries to add, edit, and remove in a properly formatted list.
If you’re wondering why Windows uses local time instead of UTC like other operating systems, official Microsoft blog The Old New Thing explains it here. In short, it was to preserve backwards compatibility with Windows 3.1 systems and to prevent people from getting confused when they set the time in the computer’s BIOS. Of course, PC manufacturers chose local time to be compatible with Windows and Windows chose local time to be compatible with the decision PC manufacturers chose, so the cycle became self-reinforcing.
There’s currently no standard for labeling whether a time is stored as UTC or local time in BIOS or UEFI firmware, which would probably be the most logical solution. But it would require some work, and most people will never even notice different operating systems use different time formats—except in dual-boot configurations.

from Blogger http://ift.tt/2jy8Lod