Start a new blog today using Blogspot and start earning(beginners guide)

is a very good way to setup your passion on the internet, you will
have your own place to share and catalog your thoughts about the
specific topic of interests. With right tools and guidance, you can
start making a living from your blog about the topics that you are
really passionate about. Yes, you can earn while blogging through ads
and affiliate marketing.

is a blog?
short, a blog is a type of website that focuses mainly on written
content, also known as blog posts. In popular culture, we most often
hear about news blogs or celebrity blog sites, but as you’ll see in
this guide, you can start a successful blog on just about any topic
imaginable.Bloggers often write from a personal perspective that
allows them to connect directly with their readers. In addition, most
blogs also have a “comments” section where readers can
correspond with the blogger. Interacting with your readers in the
comments section helps to further the connection between the blogger
and the reader.

writing about how to start a blog, I want to give reason why you
should start a blog today

  • Create
    a new platform for your business
    – Give some insights about
    the company and reaching out to the fans/customers helps increasing
    company reputation and good marketing strategy. It is also a great
    medium for announcements.
  • Create
    a community
    – For any brand it is a very great way to create a
    loyal community or fan base.
  • Earn
    – You can monetize your blog and earn money. You can
    sell products and run affiliate program on your blog.
  • Platform
    to share your opinions
    – In the age of information everyone’s
    ideas and opinion matters, blog is a great platform to voice your
    thoughts on relevant topics so that people will be more aware of it.
  • Get
    connected to like minded people
    – When you have a blog about
    topics you are passionate about, you can connect with people with
    same passion and can collaborate with them and have fun
  • Internet
    – blogging requires hard work and dedication, if you are
    persistent and move in the right direction you will have good social
    following and fame of your own. May your article get s featured in
  • Career
    – Blog as a carrier is a thing, if you become
    influencer you can guest post and collaborate with many notable
    names in the industry.

I will write step-by-step methods to create your first blog using

Blogger is very good for newbies who want to start blogging don’t
want to make an initial investment of funds to create a blog.

allows you to create a free blog, but it does have limitations.

as I mentioned above, for a beginner it is a great way to learn how
to create a blog and begin the blogging process.

Choose blog topic– It’s always nice to choose a topic that you
are passionate about. It will help in the long run to create a good
audience and create a brand from your blog.

to choose a blog topic?

is always a topic of debate and requires another article by itself. I
will just break it here for your understanding
  • Personal
    Blog about the things related to you and write your
    opinions and create articles from your knowledge, you will always
    learn many things after starting a blog, the key is to just start.
  • Niche
    – Choose topics that you are passionate about maybe
    tech, movie reviews, book review, food, fashion, video games,
    sports, productivity etc. Just make the articles original and
    creative as possible.
  • Travel
    – Are you a traveler? Travel Blog is a niche in itself,
    you can travel places and still earn a lot through blog .eg:
    blogging from paradises is one of my favorite travel bloggers
  • Blog
    for your product/brand/company
    – Always good to start a
    company blog for engaging with customers and creating a community.
    Read more about content creation and branding in

Choose blog name – Choosing a catchy blog name is important,
try to name the blog in such a way that people can remember it. Don’t
make it too long. Also choosing blog name that is unique, and has
keywords that define your blog. Availability of domain name is also
important. So choose wisely.

[Optional but
Choose Domain name-Now to buy your
domain from hosting websites or domain name provider like GoDaddy,
WordPress, Bluehost, Hostgator etc. The process is easy and you can
get domain names as cheap as $3 for a year. Its optional if you don’t
want to spend money as Blogspot provide custom domain names that end
with eg:

Create blogger account – First visit .
Creating blogger account is very easy, you can just create new
blogger account by logging through your Gmail account(Blogger is
owned by google).It is absolutely free.No hidden cost either.

logging in Choose your blog name, and blogger domain (you can also
add custom domain to your blogger website)

Go to
through your gmail account

a new blog as shown in the picture

your blog name and blog domain name(can be changed later also)

new blog post

design is important , use customize button in template for advanced
option , if you know HTML,JS or CSS you can edit it.

layout of the blog

new gadgets that are helpful for the blog , dont overdo it.

template of blogs, there are some good blog themes available , dont
forget to experiment the blog design.

custom domain here.

your first blog post and share it, don’t forget to put appropriate
labels and keywords in your blog

your blog
– Once you have put in the effort of creating great
blog content and promoting your blog, making money from your blog is
actually the easy part.
are several ways you can make money blogging, from selling your own
products or services, to getting paid to write reviews of products on
your blog. But the easiest way to make money from your blog is to
sell advertising space.
is AdSense feature available in blogger, you can start placing ads as
soon as google accepts your website. Adsense major source of income
for many bloggers. Also, try out other monetizing methods like
affiliate marketing, paid content .

first I advise you to focus more on creating quality content.

have written about monetizing your blog in this article.

forget to look in analysis part of blogger
– You will get to
know about the audience like the demography of the users , the posts
they like most and you can plan future articles accordingly , also
dont stop experimenting new ideas on your blog.

Publicize and market your blog on social media to get a more
engaging audience to your website and to reach out a possible
audience. Share posts on twitter , facebook , pintrest , linkedin ,
instagram , reddit etc. Also share the posts to book marking website
like digg , stumbleupon . You can automate sharing using
ifttt (its actually very
helpful and saves ton load of money ).

major problem for anyone on internet starting a blog is that they get
overwhelmed by a number of resources available on the internet and
their blog get unnoticed and they lose their drive to keep writing
consistently. I advise you to try writing for at least half a year of
consistent writing and look where you are heading.

more about blogging:

from Blogger

Game of thrones season 7 , The Dragon and the Wolf : Epic finale


finale unlike the previous episode goes back to its roots , nothing
much Hollywood , just betrayal ,
vengeance and of course nudity . The
episode is the longest one yet , delivering as promised ,nothing less
expected from the
penultimate season of the franchise . There was
several plot twists , but the inevitable will not be
stopped and it
will surely make us wait for the next season . Sadly the last season

several minutes of the episode is some what looks dragged but
understandable as several characters meet for the first time
(Daenerys and Cersei) ,
also reunion of Hound and the Mountain ,
Tyrion and Pod etc . It picks up the pace later on for the climax of
the season with a ice dragon
controlled by the Night’s King
breaching the wall in the north.

are several key things to look upon in the episode

  • Everyone
    is afraid of the White walkers as they have seen it , but still
    Cersei goes as far as to betray the alliance(till they defeat the
    night’s King) . More over I feel she is beyond repair and she is the
    most confused of all of the
    characters in Game of Thrones.
  • Cersei’s
    brilliant scheme is to do nothing while Jon and Daenerys try to deal
    with the zombies themselves. 
    was the delicious reveal that Euron Greyjoy was, at Cersei’s
    behest, secretly rushing to Essos to take delivery of a mercenary
  • Finally
    Little finger dies on his own little game , Arya cuts his throat and
    Sansa showing how good she can be when it most maters . No dirty
    tricks for next season.
  • Cersei
    and Daenerys will never get along.
  • Cersie
    shows that she can go as far as to kill
    their brothers (will this be
    her biggest mistake).
  • Finally
    Bran has someone that he can tell what he saw that maters
    Sam . Jon snows real identity that He
    was the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark and they had loved
    one other – meaning Robert Baratheon’s rebellion against the
    .  Jon
    is a Targaryen – first name Aegon 

    Bran must act fast .
  • Finally
    after several decades it is snowing in kings landing.
  • Jon
    snow and
    Daenerys have
    sex not noticing Tyrion watching when they go inside the
    Daenerys is
    Jon’s Aunt btw) .Very
    weird ,but this was expected.
  • Jamie’s
    future outside kings landing , confronting death twice now.
  • Lot
    of smack talk this episode, much talking this episode.
  • Theon
    once again stands up , for how long?
  • The
    wall falls with the mighty zombie dragon attacking with ice/blue
    fire? ,
    also leaving us spectacle of
    the future of Tormund.
  •  the
    Night King and his army are sweeping into Westeros.

it was a good episode ,just makes us wait for final season

from Blogger

I am not a writer , I am just a lazy storyteller


long as i can remember i wanted to write stories , even when i was a
kid i used to write crazy long adventure story , where the main characters where inspired by my friends . But i might have realized
it now , i was never a good writer i never wanted to improve my
writing and my writing style was always linked how much devoted to
the story that i had to tell . That’s not the bad thing because i
would not complete any article if i don’t feel like the story is. Yet
I want to tell my stories ,only way i could so it was through writing
, verbal narratives or through videos .

had discussed doing video content before but fortunately or unfortunately it never worked out . So the only way i could do it is
through writing.I know how lazy i am,yet i am ambitious of telling my
sorry . I take lot of time worrying about creating content and end up
not publishing anything . Now after a year of opening my blog (and
other unsuccessful blogs in the past ) , i think i want to dedicate
more time to improve writing, now that i know my short comings as
writer .There are may unsaid words between the lines , i hope to
make the best use of the lines that i can jot down. Well i just want
to tell some stories .

i can write a novel / novella or short stories this year and
dedicate some time for quality articles about my opinions on various
topics including politics, movies ,coding, books ,tech and maybe
gaming . I know writing is hard but i accept the challenge .

from Blogger